Quarry behind beachfront restaurant, south end of Playa Grande. Shovel handle for scale.
Close-up of ash layers. Contact Don Stierman for what details are available.
Close-up, south end of exposure.
Dr. D. hefts a volcanic bomb. The Doc is 6'1" tall (1.85 meter) for scale (we will not discuss waist measurements at this time).
Close-up of volcanic bomb. Larger rocks were observed in the 2-m thick layer of cross-bedded ash and bombs.
Cross-bedding indicates base surge, according to Dr. Bruce Simonson (Oberlin College). A simple geophysicist might recognize cross-bedding (it was more obvious than this photograph indicates in the 2-meter thick upper unit, which consists of bombs and ash) but not be aware of its significance in this depositional environment.